How the financial sector is taking account of climate-related risks

This article is contributed by Jovin Hurry, who is reporting from Paris. As the ministers now negotiate the details of the COP21 Paris Agreement, some of the top key questions arising are how to finance the promised projects and what climate-related risks to shoulder. Earlier this year, G20 Finance Ministers…

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Increasing resilience is essential to secure future investment from climate change

This article is contributed by Jovin Hurry, who is reporting from Paris. A climate resilient society and economy is essential to secure hard-won development gains and to ensure that future investment is not lost to climate change. A resilient society and economy suffers little and recovers more quickly from natural…

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Cities and climate change: Mobilising investment in low-emission, climate-resilient urban infrastructure

This article is contributed by Jovin Hurry, who is reporting from Paris. Urban areas account for over 70% of energy-related CO2 emissions and the world’s cities produce almost half (37-49%) of all global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Hence, climate action in cities is…

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How the creative use of public-private capital can accelerate the financing of low carbon transformations

This article is contributed by Jovin Hurry, who is reporting from Paris. Earlier articles on Green Business Singapore such as Shifting into high gear with carbon pricing and The growing financial investment for transition towards a low carbon economy highlighted how climate action from investors, bankers and insurers has increased…

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Climate Funding Announcements Pre-COP and During COP Showcased on Web

The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has compiled recent and current announcements of climate funding on its web site alongside a simple graphic. Link: http://newsroom.unfccc.int/financial-flows/list-of-recent-climate-funding-announcements/ The graphic is also available at http://climatefundingsnapshot.com/ The list is based on announcements that the UNFCCC has received from governments, development banks, the…

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