Climate change

Conversations on Sustainable Singapore

Do you wish to see a more sustainable Singapore and have good ideas to share? We’re pleased to announce that Nature Society (Singapore), SMU verts and Green Future Solutions are co-organising 3 Conversations on Sustainable Singapore for you to discuss specific topics and share suggestions. The aim of the conversations…

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10 Global Sustainability Megaforces That Will Impact Every Business

What are the sustainability megaforces that will impact every business over the next 20 years? Is your company ready to address the risks and opportunities arising from these megaforces? This article highlights the 10 global sustainability megaforces listed in KPMG’s recent report, and shares how businesses can take action and…

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Thoughts on the NCCS Public Perception Survey on Climate Change in Singapore

From Oct to Dec last year, the National Climate Change Secretariat (NCCS) commissioned a survey among 1,010 Singaporeans aged 15 and above, to find out the current level of public awareness, attitudes and behaviours towards climate change in Singapore. Here’s some of the survey results and our thoughts: Gap Between…

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12 Ideas for the National Climate Change Strategy 2012

The National Climate Change Secretariat (NCCS) is currently preparing the National Climate Change Strategy 2012 (NCCS-2012) publication, and is seeking public feedback and ideas. The NCCS-2012 will provide a framework and overall strategy for Singapore to tackle climate change, and will outline policies and measures to reduce emissions, cope with…

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IEA Chief Economist offers a look at our energy future

The era of cheap oil is over, and policies fall short of what is needed for a secure and sustainable energy future, says Dr Fatih Birol, Chief Economist of the International Energy Agency, in his lecture titled “A Glimpse into the Energy Fututre” at today’s EMA Distinguished Speaker Programme. This…

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