
Be Conscious of the Food You Eat

The food we eat could have travelled long distances and be produced in an unsustainable way. We need to be conscious of what we eat – how our food is grown and produced. But the 20th-century industrialization of agriculture has increased the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by the food…

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Reduce Your Water Consumption

Energy is required for potable water and wastewater treatment and transport, so reducing the amount of water consumed and discharged will help to lower the energy needed. Here are some tips to help you save water: Use Water Saving Products with the Water Efficiency Label Using water efficient low-flow taps…

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Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Your Waste

You can practise the 3 Rs in your daily lives – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle (in order of sequence). The sequence is important, as source reduction is usually the best way to minimise waste while recycling still has some impact on the environment and should be done last. Waste minimisation…

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Find Ways to Reduce Unnecessary Energy Usage

Look around your house and find ways to reduce unnecessary energy usage. Here are some tips: 1. Switch off your electronic appliances such as the television and DVD player at the power socket, and don’t leave them on standby mode. The standby mode still consumes energy (also known as vampire…

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Choose Energy Efficient Appliances and Lighting

Energy efficient appliances and lighting can help you to save energy and money. One household study by the Housing and Development Board (HDB) shows 35% monthly energy savings when energy efficient air-conditioner, refrigerator and lighting was used. Energy Label If you’re planning to buy a new air-conditioner, refrigerator or clothes…

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