
Reduce the Impact of Your Organisation’s Waste, Water and Transport Management

Besides considering the direct energy usage by your business, you should also look at waste, water and transport management as these activities also contribute to carbon emissions. Find out how your business manages waste, water and transport in your daily operations, and take steps to reduce the impact of these…

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Use Government Fundings for Energy Audits and Energy Efficient Technologies

There are several funding and incentive schemes provided by the National Environment Agency (NEA) to help companies reduce their costs in engaging ESCOs or investing in energy saving equipment and technologies. If companies lack the expertise to manage their energy consumption, they can engage an Energy Services Company (ESCO) to…

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Conduct an Energy Survey to Identify Energy Saving Opportunities

An energy survey is a simple assessment of the energy use in your organisation and the aim is to identify and correct bad energy habits and practices. Start by forming a small team to conduct the energy survey, appointing an energy manager as the team leader and recruiting staff from…

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Measure Your Organisation’s Carbon Footprint or Greenhouse Gas Inventory

For an organisation, the term carbon footprint or greenhouse gas inventory includes the carbon emissions and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated directly from the organisation’s activities or use of fuels, and also indirectly from the use of electricity and from the use and disposal of materials, products and services.…

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Green Business Practices for Dummies

Author: Lisa Swallow ISBN: 978-0-470-39339-0 Paperback; 384 pages Recommended Retail Price: SGD 38.47 (including GST) Available at all major bookstores Book Review Green Business Practices for Dummies is a practical and hands-on guide to help your company implement green practices throughout your organisation. It covers the creation of a sustainability…

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