Our SG Conversation for the Green Community (OSC) was held on 19 January this year at Singapore Polytechnic. This OSC was initiated by Faizah Jamal, Nominated Member of Parliament (Environment and Heritage) People and Civic Sector, and Eugene Tay, Director, Green Future Solutions, in collaboration with the Singapore Polytechnic Environment Club and “Our Singapore†Programme Office, Public Service Division.
Close to 80 people turned up for the OSC, including 55 participants from green groups and the public, facilitators, scribes, and volunteers. The diverse views of the green community, which included environmental NGOs and groups; individual environment, animal and wildlife activists; and environmental businesses, associations and research academics, added an important voice to the overall national conversation.
The discussion questions touched on our past and present:
- Think of a personal experience or story when you were most and least inspired for a green future in Singapore.
- What is the biggest concern that you face in your work in the green community and with other Singaporeans?
And also our future vision for Singapore:
- What do we envision for Singapore?
- What is the role of civil society, private enterprise, government, and the ordinary citizen?
- How can the green community be more creative, engaging and inspiring in the way we communicate with Singaporeans on our environmental concerns and visions?
The various views from the small and big group discussions were compiled and categorised under the broad heading of ‘Heart’, ‘Engagement’ and ‘Policies’ in the summary report. We hope that the report would be useful for policy makers, NGOs, organisations, businesses, and the public to understand the views and concerns of the green community, and find more ways to work together for a better Singapore.
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