Choose Energy Efficient Appliances and Lighting

Energy efficient appliances and lighting can help you to save energy and money. One household study by the Housing and Development Board (HDB) shows 35% monthly energy savings when energy efficient air-conditioner, refrigerator and lighting was used. Energy Label If you’re planning to buy a new air-conditioner, refrigerator or clothes…

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Use Your Air-Conditioner and Refrigerator Wisely

A typical Singapore household spends about 50% of its electricity bills on the air-conditioner and refrigerator. If you want to reduce energy at home and save money, the best way is to use your air-conditioner and refrigerator wisely. You can choose to do one or more of the following: Air-Conditioner…

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Monitor Your Electricity Consumption at Home

Your utility bill shows the electricity consumption (in kWh) of your house over the past six months and also indicates the national average consumption for your house type. If your electricity consumption is below the national average, good for you. If not, you should start to monitor your energy consumption…

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Calculate Your Carbon Footprint

You can take individual action on climate change and the best way to start is to understand the size of your carbon footprint, which is the amount of carbon emissions that result directly and indirectly from your daily activities and lifestyle. By calculating your carbon footprint, you can find out…

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Consider Green Buildings and Green Mark

The buildings sector contributes about 16% of Singapore’s carbon emissions. To reduce the carbon footprint and energy consumption of buildings, the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) is helping companies to build new green buildings or upgrade their existing buildings to greener buildings. The BCA Green Mark Scheme was launched in…

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