Monitor Your Electricity Consumption at Home

Your utility bill shows the electricity consumption (in kWh) of your house over the past six months and also indicates the national average consumption for your house type. If your electricity consumption is below the national average, good for you. If not, you should start to monitor your energy consumption at home and find ways to reduce energy usage.


Electricity Audit Calculator

To find out which appliance at home consume the most electricity, you can use this electricity audit calculator from SP Services. The audit will help you calculate the estimated electricity consumption per month and also the electricity consumed by each appliance in kWh and cost.


Energy Monitor

etrackIf you want more accurate monitoring of your appliance’s energy consumption and to track your consumption over time, you can use an energy monitor such as ETrack or Wattson. These energy monitors can track the real time and monthly energy consumption of appliances in the home and display energy consumption in kWh and cost.

With the above calculator and energy monitor, you can monitor your electricity consumption at home and reduce the usage of high energy-consuming appliances or adjust your lifestyle to consume less energy.


Electricity Vending System

In the future, we might have smart energy meters installed in our homes. The Energy Market Authority (EMA) is currently studying the feasibility of the Electricity Vending System (EVS), which involves installing smart meters that allow consumers to choose an electricity package and manage the electricity consumed at home.


1 thought on “Monitor Your Electricity Consumption at Home

  1. Is there any agent or contractor that we can engage to diagnose our unusually high electricity consumption.

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