The Inter-Ministerial Committee on Sustainable Development (IMCSD) recently announced Singapore’s vision and initiatives for sustainable development, and is seeking public feedback and suggestions. The IMCSD is studying ways to be more sustainable in the way we Work, Commute, Live and Play.
In response to the call for green ideas, Green Future Solutions came up with 20 suggestions that would help Singapore to be more sustainable. Some suggestions include:
- Promote SEE Energy Management for the Industry and Building Sector
- Encourage Building Owners to Reduce Lightings at Night
- Work Towards a Four National Switches Energy Strategy
- Set Mandatory Energy Efficiency and Renewable Portfolio Standards
- Encourage Educational and Practical Opportunities on Redesign
- Set Targets for Reducing Packaging
- Introduce an Incentive Scheme for BYOB
- Introduce a National Waste Reuse Database
- Provide a National Food Matching Service
The 20 suggestions are compiled in a report and sent to the IMCSD Secretariat. To read the full content:
Download [download#3#size#nohits]
Dear Sir/Madam
I had an idea about REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE for the waste for Ready Mix Concrete business. Any idea where I can I submit the proposal to?
Thank You
Best Regards
Shiau Meng
How do I download this please?
Would like to use as part of a research project.
Many thanks,